Saturday, 23 July 2011

Worth my comment?

Everyday we come across many things, like today many of you will come across this blog. We may skim through blogs that don't interest us, you may read it cos we have nothing else to do. Maybe some of us out there think ok lets just see what general public is interested in these days. What ever the reason, everything we read or write believe it or not does stay with us. 
I myself last night skimmed through 3 blogs, 2 didn't interest me and the third was to do with technology which I am not interested in. After I finished I was not thinking about them or even writing my own blog but I realized that even after 2 hours they had left a bit of themselves with me. That is when it hit me, worth it or not but reading any material is left in my unconscious mind why not go back read them consciously. When I read them consciously I left a comment.
Now the great question is why!
If it has so much influence on my unconscious mind why not make it into a positive and do it consciously. Secondly even a line comment motivates the writer, in all ways e.g helping them to write better , a new thought can be generated, a correction can be made.
The smallest of the smallest comment makes a big difference!
So please help others by helping yourself.

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